About Us

Al Ayuni

About Us

Al-Ayuni Overseas Service Pvt. Ltd. A complete solution of human resources, is a renowned employment recruitment service agency that supply Nepal lese skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers to the national & international market. The company registered companies Act 2006 under the government of Nepal. our company registrar no. 1005/068/69. 111e company is well managed by top professionals who did specialization in human resources management and having experience in the field of personnel management. Most of the recruitment officers are experience in foreign employment service. The company has efficient and capable staffs for recruiting the human resources demand. The work force is always willing to help the individuals requesting for information about the human resources available in the country as well as to provide job descriptions to the applicants.

The main objective of launched of the company is providing all kinds of work force to the countries in need. Like helping the country reducing their unemployment rate and inducing foreign currency inflow. The company supply of hard working .loyal, trustworthily and dependable Nepalese youths. The company handle others activities Like Hotel training, driving, house wiring, tailoring, etc. Our company maintains an up to date data bank of potential candidates with full in formation on his skill, tradeable and experienced and advertising allows other to compete for the post too. The final interviews for short listed workers after pre-screening can be conducted by the employer or his representative or by this company basis not racial, secretarial or considered action. Our organization is confident that the personnel selected by the selection committee will fulfill the employers need and earn reputation and appreciation from the employer, Al- Ayuni Overseas Services Pvt. Ltd.